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My sister and bother-in-law came over on Saturday so that my bother-in-law could help Doug cut down a tree in our front yard.  It was really quite exciting to watch it come down. (Yes, I do need to get out more. I know…)

This picture was taken after they had cut off most of the branches. I should have taken a picture before they started… Oh well..

It’s falling…

Run Rick! (He was trying to keep the tree from falling on the neighbor’s cars.  We try to be neighborly that way. ;))

As Doug and my bro-in-law were busting their tails, out in the yard, my sister and I were busy, inside, slaving in the kitchen.  Okay, Stacy was slaving, and I was watching. (I’m good at that oldest-sister stuff, you know… delegating and watching younger sisters do all the work. At least that’s what my sisters say that I do!) 😉

Stacy made us super-yummy apple pies.  And when I say “super-yummy”, I mean, SRUM-DILLY-UMP-CHES! (Yes, that’s a real word… at least in my world.)  These were not your standard apple pies, these were little, personal bite-sized apple pies of pure delight!.  She found the recipe on Pinterest. (Which you can following me on. *wink*wink* ;)) The pin came from Cookin’ Up North, but the original recipe came from Taste of Home.  I’ve never been a huge fan of apple pie. I mean, I’m not one to eat cooked fruit. I like my fruit fresh, but let me tell you, I have changed my ways after eating these little pies.  I’m serious. They were beyond good.

These little pies are super easy! I should say… watching my sister make them was super easy! 😉

Seriously, though, they looked really easy to make.

Bite Size Apple Pies, from Taste of Home, from Cookin’ Up North. 🙂

(How’s that for a title?)

½ c. sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 pkg. (14.1 oz) refrigerated pie crust (2 crusts)
3 tbsp. melted butter, divided
2 medium tart apples, each cut into 8 wedges (We used Granny Smith apples)

(Set out your pie crusts about 15 minutes before you need them so they become soft, it makes them easier to work with.)

Preheat your oven to 425°.

In a small bowl combine the cinnamon and sugar.

Roll out the pie crust and cut each into 8 strips. Spread each pie crust with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture.  Wrap each strip around each apple wedge (with the sugar side facing the apple) and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet (believe me, use the parchment paper). Spread remaining butter on top of each “pie” and sprinkle with the rest of the cinnamon and sugar mixture.

Bake at 425° for 13-15 minutes. (We found we needed a little more time for the pies to brown, maybe like 20 min.)

We left the skin on the apples (and when I say “we” I mean, Stacy). Everyone liked them that way, but like I said… I’m funny about cooked fruit, so I just took the skin off of mine.

Absolute de-lish! Just look at all that caramely goodness coming off the pie! MMM!

I will be making these again, and I might have to double the recipe, because these were gone in two hot-seconds!  So good!

Have a great week peeps! 🙂

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