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A friend from church wore an Indian corn pin like this last year, and I really wanted to take it and run make one for myself.  So, this year when she had it on for the first time, I just happened to have my camera with me.  Thanks Terri! (I don’t think she trusted me with it… I’m not sure why… ;))

Here’s what I did…

I gathered pipe cleaners, beads, corn shucks, and a ribbon. Oh, and some hot glue and a pin for the back.

In case you are wondering what “corn shucks” are…

(I’m pretty sure this is not what you really call them, but I figure, if you “shuck corn” then that stuff that comes off must be corn “shucks”, yes? Actually, I think they are called “husks”. We’ll call ’em “shucks” for short. ;))

I took three dark brown pipe cleaners and I pulled out the little fuzzies from the end. I took off about ½ inch of the fuzzies.

I threaded on a small round bead on the end with no fuzzies. I then used needle nosed pliers to make a small loop on the end of the wire to secure the bead. Like this…

On the other end of the pipe cleaner, I began threading on tri-beads and brought them all the way down until they touched the round bead. I alternated colors of beads to resemble Indian corn. I did this until I had about 1½ (give or take) of beads on the pipe cleaners. I made three beaded ears of corn.

I wanted to have some dangley (apparently dangley is not a word, ’cause spell check is telling me so…:)) beads coming from the end of the corn, so I took a jewelry finding and added a couple of beads and then looped off the end like this…

I added the dangley beads to the end of the corn and secured them with my needle nose pliers.

Then, I began gluing my beaded corn into the corn shucks that I had cut down to fit my corn.

After gluing all three corn ears into the shucks, I twisted the pipe cleaners together, leaving the shucks flat, like this…

Next, I cut down my husks to the desired length for my pin…

and glued down the tips on the top of each ear of corn, like this…

Then, I cut off the excess shucks, and cut into the tips to make it look a little more frayed.

Finally, I tied it all together with a ribbon and glued a pin on the back.

Ain’t she pur-rdy?

Okay, I have to admit, I miss summer, but stuff like this makes fall pretty fun! 😉

Hope you have a great weekend!

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