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The other day I made some homemade breaded chicken strips.  Well… I got a little carried away, and made way too many for my family, and I’m not usually one to eat leftovers.  I mean, I want my family to eat leftovers, (I don’t want to waste food, you know) but I have a hard time eating leftovers myself.  I have this thing about the food not tasting right after it sits in the frig overnight. Fo Rillz! (As my sister Stacy says! It’s like “fo realz” but it’s said “fo rillz”.)  😀

There are some foods that I don’t mind eating twice, and chicken is one of them, as long as it is in chicken salad, or something fattening like that. 😉

Anyhoo, I did not want to waste all that chicken, and I knew I wanted chicken salad. I wanted something a little different from the traditional chicken salad, so here is what I made…

Bacon-Almond-Chicken Salad

1½ to 2 cups chicken breast (diced)

2 Tbsp bacon peices

2 Tbsp almonds (chopped)

2 Tbsp to ¼ cup onion (diced)

2 Tbsp to ¼ cup celery (diced)

½ cup mayo (or more)

2 dashes dill weed

salt and pepper to taste

Mix ingredients together and serve on crackers or bread, or croissant (my personal fave!).

It was really yummy.  Nice and crunchy, just like any chicken salad should be!  Did I ever mention I’m a chicken salad connoisseur?  Just ask my family. It’s what I usually order whenever I go out to lunch! No lie!

Have a great weekend peeps! Fo Rillz!!!!