

Okay, so I’ve always wanted one of those rocking chairs, you know the ones from Cracker Barrel?  The ones they have sitting on their porch that cost $199 or more?  You know, those rocking chairs that I love, but could never bring myself to spend that kind of money on?!

Well now I have one!!!  Yay!  And I didn’t spend $199 (or more) for it.  Yay again!!!  I only spent $20 for it at a garage sale!  WooHoo!  Now that is what I’m talk’n ’bout!  Thanks to my friend Trudy from momto5angels.wordpress.com.  Well it was actually Trudy’s mom whom (who? I never get that right, when to use whom, or who?) I got the rocker from.

It used to look like this…

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I love green!  It is one of my favorite colors.  It is the color of my birthstone, one of my children’s room is green.  Did I mention I love green?  Anywho… (Anywhom?)  Anyway…  This time, green did not go with my blue house, and black shutters, so the green had to go.  Otherwise, it would have stayed.  Why?  ‘Cause I love green, that’s why!

So I went to my local home improvement store and picked up 4 cans of spay paint. Red spray paint, that is!  I also love red!  (You should see me at Christmas! Red and green, my two favorite colors together at last!)

I started spraying in the front yard, in the grass, away from my house so the wind wouldn’t blow the paint on my house (’cause I’m no dummy!).  But, instead, the wind was blowing the paint in the general direction of my neighbor’s car. (Okay, no comments about being a BIG dummy! No, the paint did not get on the car! :)) I moved way in the back of my yard, away from everything.

And, this is what it looks like now…

Love it!  Love it! LOOOVE it!

I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

So that’s my story, how the Lady with the Red Rocker came to be.