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Happy 2012, all!!!!

Wow!What a break! I think I need a break from my break.  We were busy, busy, busy all two weeks, and I can’t even remember what we did to stay so busy. I had grand plans to get lots done, but… well, you know how it goes…

I did get one thing accomplished. I perfected the pre-measured dishwasher soap packets, that I utterly failed at the first time I tried to make them.  Believe me… I… F.A.I.L.E.D.!!!! But, I won’t bore you with all the gory detail.

Here they are! Dishwasher Soap Packets! (or, as I like to call them, soap biscuits. ;))

Aren’t they pretty??? 😀

These are really easy to make. The trick is to not get the dishwasher detergent too wet when you are making them. (Which is why my first batch FAILED! ;))

Here’s what you do…

Start with your DIY dishwasher detergent, and put it in a large bowl. Begin spritzing it with water and stirring the water into the detergent. Not too much water, just a little at a time. (If you get the detergent too wet it will go all volcano on you. Trust me… NOT COOL.)  Get the detergent just wet enough that when you squeeze it in your hand it starts to stick together, like damp sand.

Then start scooping out 1 Tablespoon mounds. I packed mine into a mini muffin pan lined with coffee filters that I had cut into fourths.  I could only fit 20 in the pan (the detergent recipe I use makes about 40 or so), so then, I lined my measuring spoon with a piece of the coffee filter and packed the detergent in to form pre-portioned little mounds in their own little wrappers. Like so…

Let them air dry for about an hour or so, and store them in something with a lid. I just used my old store bought dishwasher-detergent container, and it works well.


I just need to come up with a cute label to cover up the old one. ;p

Now, I don’t have to worry about my kids using too mush soap when they load the dishwasher. (Whenever they do, that is!) Love that!!!

One more thing… be sure to test out if your little “soap biscuits” will fit into your soap dispenser in your dishwasher. You may have to slightly flatten them if they are too tall for the dispenser to close. Just FYI. 😀

Hope everyone has a wonderful 2012! (and a good rest of the week! :D)

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